How to access installer properties from deferred custom actions
Installer Properties are available only during the immediate stage of the install execution process. After this stage is complete all property values are set to empty strings.
The exception to this rule is the special CustomActionData property which keeps its values through all of the stages even during deferred, rollback and commit.
Property value during deferred
Getting an installer property value during the deferred, rollback or commit stage is a two-steps process:
1. During the immediate stage set the CustomActionData property to the value of the desired property/properties you want to access during the deferred action
Certain custom actions in Advanced Installer have an Action Data field where you can set
the value of CustomActionData.
2. Access the value of the CustomActionData property from your deferred action
Let’s suppose you want to display the paths of your application folder and shortcut (APPDIR and SHORTCUTDIR properties) from a VBS deferred custom action.
- In Advanced Installer go to Custom Actions and add a new "Execute inline script code" custom action
- Place the action in Install Execution Stage after “Add Resources"
- In the Execution Time section select "When the system is being modified (deferred)"
- Set Action data to [APPDIR]|[SHORTCUTDIR]
- Set the Script type to Visual basic script (*.vbs)
- Copy and paste the code below into your custom action
dim actionData dim dataArray actionData = Session.Property("CustomActionData") ' retrieve the "CustomActionData" value and store it in the actionData variable dataArray = split (actionData, "|") ' parse the actionData text and extract the paths delimited by the "|" separator for each x in dataArray ' display the extracted paths MsgBox x next
7. Run and install your project