Predefined Prerequisites
In this page you can select predefined prerequisites to be included in your package. You can also set global prerequisite options for the EXE bootstrapper.
Predefined Prerequisites
In the predefined prerequisites list you can simply check the prerequisites you want to include in your package. After they are added in the prerequisites tree control, you can select each prerequisite to modify its settings.
Global Prerequisite Options
These options affect only the EXE
setup file and prerequisites included in your
Download/extraction folder
Specify the default download or extract folder for prerequisite files. Right-click into this field to insert a reference to a default Windows folder or to Windows Installer properties. This field can also contain environment variables.
Do not remove prerequisite files
This option prevents the removal of extracted and downloaded prerequisites. It's useful if you want to allow the end-user to repair or modify the prerequisites software installed by your package.
Check launch conditions before searching for prerequisites
If this option is enabled, the launch conditions that are specified in Launch Conditions page will be checked by the EXE setup before the prerequisites are launched. If at least one launch condition is not met, the installation is stopped.
Hide already installed prerequisites
If this option is checked, already installed prerequisites will not be displayed in the list. Instead, only the missing prerequisites will be shown and selected for install.