
This interface allows you to import or create an XML file and to get all the XML files from the project.


IXmlFilesComponent : IDispatch


Array<IXmlFile> Files - Gets all the XML files from an Advanced Installer project.

Bool ImpersonateUser - Sets or gets the impersonate user flag.


ImportFile(IFolder target, String source) - Import an XML file from disk with the specified source path. The XML file is imported in the target folder.

ImportFileS(String target, String source) - Import an XML file from disk with the specified source path. The XML file is imported in the target folder specified by the path.

CreateXmlFile(IFolder target, String name) - Create a new XML file with the specified name. The XML file is created in the target folder. The new file is returned.

CreateXmlFileS(String target, String name) - Create a new XML file with the specified name. The XML file is created in the target folder specified by the project path. The new file is returned.


See also

