
Use this interface to edit an XML file and to provide access to more specific features.


IXmlFile : IDirectoryMember


IDirectoryMember properties:

  • String Name - Sets or gets the XML name.
  • IFolder Directory - Sets or gets the directory in which the XML is located.
  • String FullPath - Gets the path of the Advanced Installer project.
  • String Type - Gets the type of the XML as a string.

IXmlFileSettings FileSettings - Gets IXmlFileSettings interface for this object that allows editing an XML file specific flags and properties.

IXmlFileSettings FileSettings - Gets IXmlFileInstall interface for this object that allows editing an XML file specific flags and properties for install time.

IXmlFileSettings FileSettings - Gets IXmlRootElement that allows editing the root an XML element of this file, to add new elements, and to navigate all the file elements.


IDirectoryMember methods:

  • DeleteFile() - This method deletes the XML from the project. The object on which this method is called is no longer available for editing.
      $advinst = new-object -com AdvancedInstaller
$proj = $advinst.LoadProject("D:\my_app_source_folder\setup\my_app.aip")

$filename = "my file.xml"

$configFile = $proj.XmlFilesComponent.Files | where {$_.Name == "my_app.exe.config"}[0]

if($configFile -eq $null)
  $file = $proj.XmlFilesComponent.ImportFileS("APPDIR\my_app_folder", "D:\my_app_source_folder\bin\Release\my_app.exe.config")
  # add under RootElement all type of attributes
  $file.RootElement.Text = "text for root element"
  $file.RootElement.CreateAttributeIfNotExist("AttributeIfNotExist", "value AttributeIfNotExist")
  $file.RootElement.CreateIdentifierAttribute("IdentifierAttribute", "value IdentifierAttribute")
  $file.RootElement.CreateOrUpdateAttribute("AttributeCreateorupdate", "Value CreateorUpdate")
  # add children elements
  $file.RootElement.CreateElementComment("comment1","comment for new element")
  # add attributes to all elements -> the same attributes
  Foreach ($element in $file.RootElement.ChildElements)
      $element.Text = "text for $($element.Name)"
      $element.CreateAttributeIfNotExist("AttributeIfNotExist", "value AttributeIfNotExist")
      $element.CreateIdentifierAttribute("IdentifierAttribute", "value IdentifierAttribute")
      $element.CreateOrUpdateAttribute("AttributeCreateorupdate", "Value CreateorUpdate")

# save the project

