

ITranslationsComponent : IDispatch


This interface is meant to get interfaces for languages and languages options.


ILanguagesOptions LanguagesOptions - Gets the interface for language options.


AddLanguageAllBuilds(Int LangId) - Adds a new language for all builds in the project.

NoteLangId is a specified language id as detailed in the Microsoft documentation.

RemoveLanguageAllBuilds(Int LangId) - Removes a specified language from all builds in the project.

AddLanguagePerBuild(Int LangId, IBuild Build) - Adds a new language for a specified Build in the project.

RemoveLanguagePerBuild(Int LangId, IBuild Build) - Remove a language for a specified Build in the project.

GetAvailableLanguages() returns String - Returns all the available languages and their corresponding LangId.

GetLanguages() returns String - Returns all the languages present in the project.

GetBuildLanguages(IBuild Build) returns String Returns languages for the specified Build.


  • ILanguagesOptions
    This interface is used to control the project's language translation settings.