

ITextUpdateReplace : IDispatch


This interface is meant to configure text replace operation.


String Find
Gets or sets the text to be found.

Bool UseRegularExpressions
Gets or sets if a special text string for describing a search pattern is used from “Find” property.

String Replace
Gets or sets the text that will replace the text to be found.

Bool MatchCase
Gets or sets the property to ensure that all text formatting will be kept after the replacement operation

Bool MatchWholeWord
Gets or sets the property to treat "Find" property value as a word. Only words that will be exactly the same as the "Find" field's string will be replaced. (e.g: Inserted string: "is". "The fox is brown" will return a match)

Bool ReplaceOnlyFirstOccurence
Gets or sets the property to end when the first match is found while the rest possible matches will be ignored

See also

