- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Working with Projects
- Installer Project
- Patch Project
- Merge Module Project
- Updates Configuration Project
- Windows Store App Project
- Modification Package Project
- Optional Package Project
- Windows Mobile CAB Projects
- Visual Studio Extension Project
- Software Installer Wizards - Advanced Installer
- Visual Studio integration
- Alternative to AdminStudio/Wise
- Replace Wise
- Migrating from Visual Studio Installer
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Shell Integration
- Command Line
- Advanced Installer PowerShell Automation Interfaces
- IAdvancedInstaller
- IAdvinstProject
- IProductDetails
- IFolder
- ILaunchConditionsComponent
- IFilesComponent
- IIniFilesComponent
- IShortcut
- ITempFile
- IXmlFile
- IDirectoryMember
- IRegistryComponent
- IInstallParameters
- IBuildComponent
- ITextFileUpdatesComponent
- ITextUpdateFile
- ITextUpdateAppendOrCreate
- ITextUpdateReplace
- IFileAssociations
- IDefaultProgramFA
- IExtensionFA
- IProgIdFA
- IVerbFA
- IEnvironment
- IEnvironmentVariable
- IProductCode
- IUpgradeCode
- IMergeModulesComponent
- IMergeModule
- IDigitalSignature
- ICustomActionsComponent
- ITranslationsComponent
- IDriversComponent
- ISearch
- IServices
- IOrganizationComponent
- IComComponent
- IRemoveFilesComponent
- IRemoveFile
- IUpdatesProject
- IUpdaterComponent
- IPatchProject
- IPropertyComponent
- IProperty
- IPathVariable
- IMsixComponent
- IMsixDependencies
- IMsixDriverDependency
- IMsixDriverConstraint
- IMsixExternalDependency
- IMsixPackageDependency
- Features and Functionality
- Tutorials
- How-tos
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Working with Projects
- Installer Project
- Patch Project
- Merge Module Project
- Updates Configuration Project
- Windows Store App Project
- Modification Package Project
- Optional Package Project
- Windows Mobile CAB Projects
- Visual Studio Extension Project
- Software Installer Wizards - Advanced Installer
- Visual Studio integration
- Alternative to AdminStudio/Wise
- Replace Wise
- Migrating from Visual Studio Installer
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Shell Integration
- Command Line
- Advanced Installer PowerShell Automation Interfaces
- IAdvancedInstaller
- IAdvinstProject
- IProductDetails
- IFolder
- ILaunchConditionsComponent
- IFilesComponent
- IIniFilesComponent
- IShortcut
- ITempFile
- IXmlFile
- IDirectoryMember
- IRegistryComponent
- IInstallParameters
- IBuildComponent
- ITextFileUpdatesComponent
- ITextUpdateFile
- ITextUpdateAppendOrCreate
- ITextUpdateReplace
- IFileAssociations
- IDefaultProgramFA
- IExtensionFA
- IProgIdFA
- IVerbFA
- IEnvironment
- IEnvironmentVariable
- IProductCode
- IUpgradeCode
- IMergeModulesComponent
- IMergeModule
- IDigitalSignature
- ICustomActionsComponent
- ITranslationsComponent
- IDriversComponent
- ISearch
- IServices
- IOrganizationComponent
- IComComponent
- IRemoveFilesComponent
- IRemoveFile
- IUpdatesProject
- IUpdaterComponent
- IPatchProject
- IPropertyComponent
- IProperty
- IPathVariable
- IMsixComponent
- IMsixDependencies
- IMsixDriverDependency
- IMsixDriverConstraint
- IMsixExternalDependency
- IMsixPackageDependency
- Features and Functionality
- Tutorials
- How-tos
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents
ISearchComponentLocator : IDispatch
This interface is meant to edit component locator.
type of search will try to find the component you want, retrieve its Key
Path (or Key Member), and interpret it as a file or a folder.
String GUID - Gets or sets the GUID of the component which will be searched.
Bool KeyPathIsDirectory - Gets or sets the option to interpret the key path value as a folder or a file.