IRegValSearch: IBaseSearch
This interface is meant to edit options for a registry value with a specified content search.
String RegistryValue - Gets or sets the registry value location.
String ExpectedContent - Gets or sets the expected content of the registry value.
Bool SeachIn64BitLocation - Gets or sets option to search in the 64-bit registry section. The search will not be redirected to the 32-bit section, regardless of the package type.
String Comparison - Gets or sets the way the search
will compare the content of the value found on the installed target
machine with the expected value.
Supported values: “ExactMatch”,
“StartsWith”, “EndsWith”, “Contains”, “NotContains”, “DifferentThan”,
“LessThan”, “GreaterThan”.
$advinst = new-object -com AdvancedInstaller $prj = $advinst.CreateProjectS("architect") $registryValSearch = $prj.Search.NewRegistryValueSearch("REG_VAL_CONTENT_EXISTS_PROP") $registryValSearch.RegistryValue = "HKLM\Software\ValueName" $registryValSearch.ExpectedContent = "expected conent" $registryValSearch.Comparison = "Contains"