

ILanguagesOptions : IDispatch


This interface is meant to set translation options for the project.


String PackageType Gets the value of the language option.


SetPackageTypeSeparate(IBuild Build) - Sets the language option for the specified Build to “Create separate packages”.

SetPackageTypeSeparateAndMultilingual(IBuild Build) - Sets the language option for the specified Build to “Create separate packages and a multilingual package”.

SetPackageTypeMultilingual(IBuild Build) - Sets the language option for the specified Build to “Create only a multilingual package”.

GetUsePrevVerLang(IBuild Build) return Bool - Gets the value of the checkbox “Automatically use the previous version’s languages if installed”.

SetUsePrevVerLang(IBuild Build, Bool Value) - Sets the “Automatically use the previous version’s languages if installed” option for the specified Build to the boolean Value.

SetUseSystemLang(IBuild Build) - Sets the user interface language option to “Automatically use system language for installation” for the specified Build.

SetUseCurrentUserLang(IBuild Build) - Sets the user interface language option to “Automatically use current user language for installation” for the specified Build.

SetDisplayLangDialog(IBuild Build) - Sets the user interface language option to “Display language selection dialog” for the specified Build.

GetNotDisplayCountryNameInDialog(IBuild Build) returns Bool - Gets the value of the “Do not display country name in language selection combo” checkbox for the specified Build.

SetNotDisplayCountryNameInDialog(IBuild Build, Bool Value) - Sets the value of the “Do not display country name in language selection combo” checkbox for the specified Build.

See also

