This interface is meant to specify details about folder synchronization to a source folder on disk.
IFolderSync : IDispatch
String SourceFolder - Gets the source path to the folder on the disk that will be synchronized.
IFolderSyncFilters IncludeFilters - Gets the object that will allow changing the filters that will specify which files will be included in the project.
IFolderSyncFilters ExcludeFilters - Gets the object that will allow changing the filters that will specify which files will be excluded from the project.
IFeature Feature - Gets or sets the feature that will contain the components resulted after the synchronization process.
Bool KeepMissingFilesOnDisk - Gets or sets the option that will specify if the files from the project that are not found on disk are left in the project but with a size of 0 bytes. This can help avoid eventual build failures due to missing files.
Bool AddDigitalSigning - Gets or sets the option that will specify if all EXE files are automatically marked for digital signing at build time.
Bool ApplyFileImportRules - Gets or sets the option that will specify if all synchronized INI or XML files will be imported rather than added as plain files.
String FileComponentAssigning - Gets or sets the way that the component is assigned to file added in the project. The option set here is applied only to new files added by synchronization, from the moment it is selected. Components for existing files are untouched when this option gets changed. Supported values: BestSuitedComponent NewComponent FolderComponent.