This interface is meant to enable file registration.There are three methods for registering files, two for native libraries and one for .NET assemblies. Supported file types: .dll, .ocx, .exe,.cpl, .sys, .drv, .scr, .tlb, .olb .
IFileRegistration: IDispatch
String RegistrationType - Gets or sets the
registration type that will be used to register the file.
Supported values:
- NoRegistration - the file will
not be registered.
- SelfRegisterNativeLibrary The
self-registration method of registering components has many drawbacks
(like not being able to roll back the changes if something fails later in
the install) and it is against Microsoft guidelines.
ExtractRegInfoNativeLibrary - all the necessary registry
entries and keys are installed separately. You can see them in the
Registry and COM pages. This is the preferred way to register a file.
- .NetComInterop - creates the required registry
entries in order for your assembly to be operable through COM.
String SynchronizaytionType - Gets or sets the
synchronization type that will be used to collect registration
Supported values:
- Disable -
Registration data is read from the file only once and stored if the file
will change the registration.
- Enable -
Registration data is read from the file when the project is opened and
before build, and stored.
- Buildtime - Registration
data will be read only as part of the build process; it will not be
displayed in the Registry page or stored in the project.