

IFileCustomAction : ICustomAction


This interface facilitates editing custom action that allows the launching of a file into execution or opening of a folder (the same action that occurs when you double-click it in Explorer).


String FilePath - Gets or sets the full path of the file you want to launch.

String CommandLine - Get or sets the command line arguments for launching executable file.

String WorkingDirectory - Get or sets the working directory for launching executable file.

Bool HideProgramWindow - Gets or sets the property of the custom action to make main window or console of the launched program not visible.

Bool RunAsAdministrator - Gets or sets the property of the custom action to run as administrator.

Bool Use64BitLauncher - Gets or sets the property of the custom action to use a 64-bit process to launch the file.


$advinst = new-object -com AdvancedInstaller $project = $advinst.CreateProjectS(“architect”) $project.FilesComponent.AddFileS("appdir", "D:\MyApp.exe") $custAct = $project.CustomActionsComponent.NewLaunchFileFromDisk("[#MyApp.exe]")

See also

