ICustomActionSequence : IDispatch
This interface facilitates editing custom action sequence condition editing.
Bool FirstInstall - The custom action will execute during installation of the package if no older version was found on the target computer.
Bool Upgrade - Gets or sets custom action condition to execute during installation of the package only if an older version was found on the target computer.
Bool Uninstall - Gets or sets custom action condition to execute during removal of the package.
Bool Maintenance - Gets or sets custom action condition to execute during a repair or customization of the package.
String Condition - Gets or sets a boolean expression which must be true for the custom action to be executed.
$advinst = new-object -com AdvancedInstaller $project = $advinst.CreateProjectS(“architect”) $appFile = $project.FilesComponent.AddFileS("appdir", "D:\MyApp.exe") $custAct = $project.CustomActionsComponent.NewLaunchInstalledFile($appFile) $exeSeqCond = $custAct.ExecuteSequenceCondition $exeSeqCond.Upgrade = $false $exeSeqCond.Condition = 'AI_DETECTED_DOTNET_VERSION >= "4.0.1"'