

ICustomActionsComponent : IDispatch


This component is meant to create and manage existing predefined custom actions.


Array<ICustomActions> CustomActions - Gets existing custom actions.


NewLaunchInstalledFile(IFile aFile) returns IInstalledFileCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching installed file.

NewLaunchInstalledScriptFile(IFile aFile) returns IInstalledScriptFileCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching installed script file.

NewLaunchAttachedFile(String aSourcePath) returns IAttachedFileCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching attached file.

NewLaunchAttachedScriptFile(String aSourcePath) returns IAttachedScriptFileCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching attached script file.

NewAttachedNativeDllFunctionCall (String aDllSourcePath) returns IAttachedDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- Creates custom action for calling function from attached native dll

NewInstalledNativeDllFunctionCall(IFile aInstalledDll) returns IInstalledDllFunctionCallCustomAction
- Creates custom action for calling function from installed native dll

NewLaunchFileFromDisk(String aFileToLaunch) returns IFileCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching existing file from disk.

NewLaunchExeWithWorkingDirectory(IFolder aWorkingDirectory) returns IExeWithWorkingDirectoryCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching executable file specifying the working directory.

NewDotNetCustomAction(IFile aDotNetDll) returns Array<IDotNetCustomAction>
- Creates custom action that launches a .NET Assembly. The assembly must have a class that inherits the Installer class with the RunInstaller attribute set to true. Can return 2 custom action objects, one for x86 and one for x64 when dll is built for “Any CPU” platform.

NewLaunchInstalledFile(IFile aFile) returns IInstalledFileCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching installed file.

NewLaunchFileFromProperty(String aPropertyName) returns IFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching executable file using a property.

NewLaunchScriptFileFromProperty(String aPropertyName) returns IScriptFileFromPropertyCustomAction
- Creates custom action for launching script file using a property.

NewPowershellScriptFileFromDisk creates custom action for executing an existing PowerShell script file from target machine.

NewPowershellAttachedScriptFile(String aScriptSourcePath) returns IPowershellAttachedScriptFile
- Creates custom action for executing and attached PowerShell script file.

NewInstallCertificate(String aCertificateFile, String aStoreName) returns IInstallCertificate
- Creates custom action that installs a certificate included in the installer. It requires administrative privileges to run, so make sure you set "Run as Administrator" option from Install Parameters.

NewUninstallCertificate(String aCertificateThumbprint, String aStoreName) returns IUninstallCertificate
- Creates custom action that uninstalls a certificate. It requires administrative privileges to run, so make sure you set "Run as Administrator" option from Install Parameters.

RemoveCustomAction(ICustomActions aCustomAction)
-Removes an existing custom action .


$advinst = new-object -com AdvancedInstaller
$project = $advinst.CreateProjectS(“architect”)
$appFile = $project.FilesComponent.AddFileS("appdir", "D:\MyApp.exe")

See also


