ICustomAction : IDispatch
This is meant to edit base custom action object.
String Name - Gets or sets the name.
Bool RunUnderLocalSystemAccount - Gets or sets Run under the LocalSystem account with full privileges (no impersonation) flag.
Bool WaitToFinish - Gets or sets the property of a custom action to execute asynchronous.
Bool FailInstallationIfReturnsError - Gets or sets the property of a custom action to cause installation fail on execution error.
String ExecutionTime - Gets or sets the installation execution time. Supported values are: “Immediate”, “Deferred”, “Rollback”, “Commit”.
ICustomActionSequence UiSequenceCondition - Gets the object that ease editing condition for execution on the “Dialogs Stage”.
ICustomActionSequence ExecuteSequenceCondition - Gets the object that ease editing condition for execution on the execution on the “Install Execution Stage”.
CreateUiSequence(String aActionName) - Add sequence in the “Dialogs Stage” for execution after a specified action name.
RemoveUiSequence() - Removes UI sequence.
CreateExecuteSequence(String aActionName) - Add sequence in the “Install Execution Stage” for execution after a specified action name.
RemoveExecuteSequence() - Removes execution sequence.
$advinst = new-object -com AdvancedInstaller $project = $advinst.CreateProjectS(“architect”) $appFile = $project.FilesComponent.AddFileS("appdir", "D:\MyApp.exe") $custAct = $project.CustomActionsComponent.NewLaunchInstalledFile($appFile) $custAct.WaitToFinish = $true $custAct.RunUnderLocalSystemAccount = $true $custAct.CommandLine = "/RegServer"