

IComClassAppId: IDispatch


This interface is meant to configure and register DCOM servers.


String AppId - gets or sets the AppId value that will be written under the CLSID and creates the AppId GUID key under HKCR\AppId.

String RemoteServerToLaunch -Gets or sets th remote server name. This value will be written under HKCR\AppID\{AppID}, "RemoteServerName"=xxxx.

String LocalService -Gets or sets the local service. This value will be written under HKCR\AppID\{AppId}, "ServiceParameters"=xxx.

String ServiceParameters -Gets or sets the service parameters. This value will be written under HKCR\AppID\{AppId}, "ServiceParameters"=xxx.

String DllSurrogate -Gets or sets the dll surrogate. This value will be written under HKCR\AppId\{AppId}, "DllSurrogate"=xxx. Usually this string is empty.

Bool ActivateAtStorage - Gets or sets the option that will specify if the value "ActivateAtStorage"="Y" will be written under HKCR\AppID\{AppId}.

Bool RunAsInteractiveUser - Gets or sets the option that will specify if the value "RunAs"="Interactive User" will be written under HKCR\AppID\{AppId}.

See also
