Using this interface, you can edit the shortcut.
IBaseShortcut : IDirectoryMember
IDirectoryMember properties:
- String Name - Sets or gets the shortcut name.
- IFolder Directory - Sets or gets the directory in which the shortcut is located.
- String FullPath - Gets the path of the Advanced Installer project.
- String Type - Gets the type of shortcut as a string.
String Description - Gets or sets the description of the shortcut.
IFolder WorkingDirectory - Gets or sets the working directory for the shortcut.
String WorkingDirectoryPath - Gets or sets the working directory using the project path.
Bool RunAsAdmin - Gets or sets the run as admin shortcut flag.
Bool PinToTaskbar - Gets or sets the pin to taskbar shortcut flag.
Bool PreventAutoPinStart - Gets or sets the prevent auto pin start shortcut flag
Bool Advertised - Gets or sets the advertised shortcut flag.
String RunMode - Gets or sets run mode for the shortcut. Values you can choose from are: “Normal”, “Maximized” or “Minimized”.
String Arguments - Gets or sets arguments for the shortcut.
IFile Target - Gets the target file for the shortcut.
IDirectoryMember methods:
- DeleteFile() - This method deletes the shortcut from the project. The object on which this method is called is no longer available for editing.
Icon(String iconPath, int iconIndex = 0) - Set an icon for the shortcut using a file from disk with the path iconPath. By default, the first image at that location will be set but you can set another image using iconIndex.