File System Write Virtualization
This view allows you to configure a File System Write Virtualization Declaration.
The information presented in this article can be applied in a similar fashion to
Registry Write Virtualization declaration.
This declaration requires Unvirtualized Resources capability to be
The flexible virtualization feature enables your app to declare a set of files or registry entries that should be visible to other apps. These files or registry entries will remain on disk after the app is uninstalled. The rest of the files or registry entries will not be visible to other apps and will be removed at uninstall.
Only files from %USERPROFILE%\AppData and registry keys from
HKCU are supported for unvirtualized writes.
Excluded Directories
In this field you can specify one or more folders to be excluded from the MSIX Write virtualization using the [ New... ] button.
To edit or delete an entry from the list, use [ Edit..] or [ Delete... ] buttons respectively.
In the case of Registry Write virtualization declaration, excluded
registry keys can be specified in the same way.