Windows Libraries Page
The Windows Libraries functionality allows you to achieve the following installation tasks:
- Create a library from scratch.
- Update an existing library on the target machine.
The Windows Libraries feature works only on Windows 7 and later platforms. On other platforms no libraries will be created.
Windows Libraries can be created in anywhere on a target machine, but they will not be displayed inside Windows Explorer while browsing the Libraries location. In order for your custom library to appear in this location it must be created under the "Windows Libraries" folder from the Files and Folders Page - Installer Project
Creating a new library
Use the
toolbar button or the “New Library > Custom” list context menu item.Updating a predefined library
The predefined libraries that can be updated are: Documents, Pictures, Videos and Music. These are placed in Windows Libraries predefined folder. In order to edit a predefined library go to Windows Libraries predefined folder and then select “New Library > <library>>” list context menu item.
Editing an existing library
Use the Enter key while a library is selected in the “Files” panel or double click on a library file.
toolbar button, the “Properties...” list context menu item, press theLibraries can be renamed, moved or removed just like regular Files.
- Edit Library Dialog
Library settings