JSON Files Page

The JSON File functionality allows you to achieve the following installation tasks:

  • Create a JSON file from scratch.
  • Update an existing JSON file on the target machine.
  • Dynamically alter the content (an Object, Array, Null, Boolean, Number or String) of a JSON file, part of your installation package.
  • Create, update JSON content (an Object, Array, Null, Boolean, Number or String) at run-time.
  • Remove JSON content (an Object, Array, Null, Boolean, Number or String) at uninstall.
  • Use Windows Installer formatted references (properties, files, folders) in the JSON content (an Object, Array, Null, Boolean, Number or String). This will allow you to have run-time configurable entries in the JSON file.
  • Configurable installation error policy.
  • Support for UTF-8, UTF-16 LE, UTF-16 BE
  • Support for JSON content localization.

The JSON file support can be used for configuring JSON files that are part of the installation package or that are already present on the target system. This feature is very useful if you are deploying an application which requires user specific information, like username or password. The information must be collected during install and must be store in the same JSON file installed by the package. Another case scenario is when an application is upgraded and one or more JSON files must be updated as well, without the need to delete and copy their newer version.

Update files that are part of the installation package

In this case you have an JSON file that you want to install and then update it, all done in the same install package. This is possible because a regular JSON file is installed on the target machine before the JSON changes are applied. In order to achieve this behaviour, first add the JSON file as a "regular file". Then, simply add the same JSON file in the Windows Installer format and by using the JSON Editor modify the content (an Object, Array, Null, Boolean, Number or String) that you want to create, update or remove.

Update files that are present on the target machine

In this case the JSON file is present on the target machine. Simply add the JSON file to the Advanced Installer project using the Windows Installer format. Then use the JSON Editor editor to modify the content (an Object, Array, Null, Boolean, Number or String) that you want to update. A JSON content element can be created if not present, updated if already present, or deleted if it exists. It is not necessary to keep in the imported JSON file all the elements that won't be updated.

ImportantWhen the JSON Files are used to configure a file from the installation package, use the "New JSON File" option to create a new JSON update with the same name and installation directory.

Creating new JSON Files

New JSON FileUse the [ New JSON File ] toolbar button or the “New JSON File” tree/list context menu item.

Editing an existing JSON File

Properties Use the [ Properties... ] toolbar button, the “Properties...” list context menu item, press the Enter key while a JSON file is selected in the “Files” panel or double click on a JSON file.

NoteJSON files can be renamed, moved or removed just like regular Files.
