Java Products Page

In this page you can define and manage Java products. The following steps are needed to be taken in order to obtain a working Java Product:

  • Add you Java application's files in the Files and Folders page.
  • In this page, define a Java product.
  • By creating a Java product, the launcher executable will be added to the install package.

Java products

For an example, see the Java Product Installation tutorial.

Defining new products

New Java Product Use the [ New Product ] toolbar button, the “New Product” list context menu item or press the Insert key while the “Products” panel is focused. Name the Java product as you would name the executable file of your Windows application.

TipAfter creating the new product an executable with this name will be added to the installation. This is the Native Java Launcher for your Java application.

Caution!If you are creating a Mac OS X package, any settings that you set for a Java Product (JVM parameters, classpath etc.) that are based on properties or environment variables will be invalid on Mac OS X.

NoteFor JavaFX applications, please follow How do I create an installer for JavaFX applications? FAQ.

Binding two products' settings

  • If the products are already created in the Products list, select “Sync with” from one product's context menu. This way it will become the synchronized child of the chosen parent product. From that point on, the parent's changed settings will be automatically inherited by the child product.
  • If only one of the products is created in the Products list, select “New Synced Product” from its context menu. This will create a new identical child product which will automatically inherit its settings from that point forward. Decollapsing the parent product will reveal the newly created child.

NoteWhen changing the settings of the parent product, the same child's settings will be synchronized. If any of the child's settings are modified instead, they will be excluded from the synchronization when changed again in the parent product.

Unbinding a product's settings

Any child product can be easily desynchronized by selecting “Stop Syncing” from its context menu.

Duplicating the product settings

If you are creating several products that have similar product settings, an easy way is to use Copy/Paste from the context menu. All the settings will be copied to the newly created Java product just like copying a file in Windows Explorer.

Setting the Current Feature

Advanced Installer will create components for the added resources as necessary. These components will be added to the Current Feature. Use the drop-down list box in the toolbar to change the Current Feature.

TipYou can further manage your package's organization in the Organization page.

Removing products

Remove Java Product Use the [ Delete ] toolbar button, the “Delete” list context menu item or press the Delete key while a product is selected.

Bundling a JRE with your Application

In the “Build” page under the “Package Definition” panel select the Java tab. Specify the path to JRE that will be bundled and optionally the path where the install package with JRE will be generated.

Running your Java Application as a Windows Service

  • Implement two public static methods in your main class: "void main(String argv[])" and "void stop()".
  • Define and schedule your service to run on the Services page.

For an example, see the Java Service Installation tutorial.
