Import INI File Command Option

An INI (INItialization) file is a Windows software configuration file that is used to initialize the program's settings. It is divided into sections for settings and preferences, each of which comprises one or more parameters with a name and value.

This documentation page makes it possible for you to learn how to import INI files into the project.

Command Syntax

/ImportIniFile  <target_folder_path>

Imports an INI file in the project.


  • <target_folder_path>
  • The target project folder.
  • <source_file_path>
  • The source file's path.
  • [-forceoverwrite]
  • Optional switch that will overwrite any existing INI file (not normal file) from the project with the same name, otherwise it will skip importing the current file.

Example: /edit MyProject.aip
    /ImportIniFile APPDIR C:\File.ini