MIME Types

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is a specification for creating file formats to be used in the exchange of e-mail, in Web documents, and in other applications on Intranet and on the Internet. Each MIME format includes a MIME content type ("MIME type") and subtype which denotes what kind of data is stored in the file. MIME types and subtypes are typically listed as type/subtype (Ex: For the file types: .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg the mime content type will be: video/mpe).

Mime types

Adding a new MIME

Use the [ New... ] button, the “New...” context menu item or press the Insert key while the list control is focused.

Editing a MIME

Use the [ Edit... ] button, the “Edit...” context menu item or press the Space key while an element from the list control is selected.

Removing a MIME

Use the [ Remove ] button, the “Remove” context menu item or press the Delete key while an element from the list control is focused.

NoteYou can configure a global MIME map for the entire IIS server once you have added at least a Web Site or a Virtual Directory.
