File To Search Properties

File search properties


The name of the file to search. Type the long name, as a short name will be generated for you if necessary.

You can use the [ ... ] button to select a file to search.

NoteYou cannot use properties in this field because the path in which the file is searched is specified by the location of the search.


The languages supported by the file.


Minimum and maximum version for the file.


Minimum and maximum size in bytes for the file.

Minimum modification

The minimum modification date and time for the file.

Maximum modification

The maximum modification date and time for the file.

ImportantIn case of Merge Module projects the following attributes can be made configurable at merge time:

  • FileName
  • MinVersion
  • MaxVersion
  • MinSize
  • MaxSize
  • MinDate
  • MaxDate
  • Languages

TipFor more information about the resources and attributes that can be configured, please see: Configurable Merge Modules Page.