Edit Substitution Parameter Dialog

This dialog allows you to edit a substitution parameter for the module item attribute. This parameter will be configured by the consumer when merging the module to an MSI database.

Edit Substitution Parameter Dialog

Adding a new parameter

Use the add [ Add > New Parameter ] button or the “Add > New Parameter” context menu option. The Edit Configuration Parameter Dialog will be displayed allowing you to create a new configuration parameter.

Adding an existing parameter

Use the add [ Add -> Existing Parameter ] button or the “Add > Existing Parameter” context menu option to choose from a list of already existing configuration parameters.

Adding a constant

Use the add [ Add > Constant ] button or the “Add > Constant” context menu option.

Editing a parameter

Use the [ Edit... ] button, the “Edit...” context menu option or press the Space key while a parameter is selected. The Edit Configuration Parameter Dialog will be displayed allowing you to edit a configuration parameter.

Removing a parameter

Use the [ Remove ] button, the “Remove” context menu option or press the Delete key while an element is selected.

Ordering parameters

Use the [ Up ] / [ Down ] buttons, the “Move Up / Move Down” context menu options or press the Page Up / Page Down keys on a selected element.
