Edit Function Argument Dialog

This dialog allows you to edit a function argument.

Edit Function From Standard DLL Dialog



The argument's data type.

Passing Method

Specifies if the argument is passed by value or by reference.

Evaluate before call

This option allows you to pass the property value to a DLL function as an input parameter and and then you evaluate that parameter in that function. In case this option is disabled, the property will not be passed to the function.

Store value after call

This applies only when the parameter is passed by reference. The parameters' value after the function's call is stored in the property from where it was taken. If its value was no taken from a property then its final value is ignored.

Value Binding

Specifies where the argument's value is deposited or taken from.

Inline Value

Set the inline argument value. The argument's value is a formatted string.


The argument's value is taken from a property before the function's call and stored in the same property after the call.