Conflicts Detector Rules
In this dialog you can select the rules that will be considered during the MSI comparison. The following rules are available:
- CR1 - check for components with identical GUIDs installed to different destinations.
- CR2 - check for components with identical GUIDs for new and/or missing files.
- CR3 - check for the existence of the same file within different component GUIDs.
- CR4 - check for different versions of the same file within the same component GUIDs.
- CR5 - check merge modules for different versions.
- CR6 - check for the existence of the same registry entry within different component GUIDs.
- CR7 - check for shortcuts present within different component GUIDs.
- CR8 - check for an INI file present within different component GUIDs.
- CR9 - check for ODBC entries present within different component GUIDs.
- CR10 - check for NT Services present within different component GUIDs.
- CR11 - check for the existence of the same Extension and Verb combination within different component GUIDs.
- CR12 - check the package code to ensure it is unique.
- CR13 - check the product code to ensure it is unique.
- CR14 - check the upgrade code to ensure it is unique.
- CR15 - check for the existence of the same INI file in the IniFile and File tables.
- CR16 - check for files installed by components with different GUIDs and different version/size/language going to the same destination directory.
- CR17 - check for registry entries with the same Root/Key/Name but different values.
- CR18 - check for components with different ComponentIDs installing the same key file to the same directory.
- CR19 - check for files that can be replaced with a merge module.
Command Line Switches
- /ExcludedRules <excluded_rules_list> - the rules in this list will not be checked during the MSI comparison. Items in the list are separated by semicolons (see the example below for the syntax).
ConflictsDetector.exe /Noui /Msi "C:\Work\YourMsi.msi" /MsiRepo "C:\Work\Repository\" /ExcludedRules cr2;cr5;cr18