Command line return codes

Advanced Installer's command line specific error return codes are:

AI_NO_ERORR (0) - returned when a command is executed successfully

AI_ERROR_EXCEPTION (0xE0010064) - returned when an exception occurs and no other error code is specified

AI_ERROR_BAD_IDENTIFIER (0xE0010065) - invalid MSI identifier

AI_ERROR_DUPLICATED_SEARCH_SIGNATURE (0xE0010066) - duplicated search signature

AI_ERROR_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND (0xE0010067) - search signature was not found

AI_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (0xE0010068) - file is missing

AI_ERROR_MALFORMED_COMMAND_LINE (0xE0010069) - command line is invalid

AI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CMD_FILE_FORMAT (0xE001006A) - command file format is invalid (possible unsupported encoding)

AI_ERROR_INVALID_MS_DOS_DATE (0xE001006B) - the date is invalid MS DOS date

AI_ERROR_NO_LICENSE (0xE001006C) - user does not have license to build the project and trial has expired

AI_ERROR_NO_FLOATING_LICENSE (0xE001006D) - unable to acquire a floating license (no slots or unable to contact the license server)