Billboards Dialog

This dialog allows you to add a new billboard to the project or edit an existing one. The list contains all the available billboards.

Billboards Dialog

Adding a new billboard

Use the [ New... ] button, the “New...” or press the Insert key while the list is focused. The New Billboard will be displayed allowing you to create a new billboard.

Editing a billboard

Use the [ Edit... ] button, the “Edit...” or press the Space key while an element is selected. The Edit Billboard will be displayed allowing you to edit a billboard.

Deleting a billboard

Use the [ Delete ] button, the “Delete” or press the Delete key while an element is selected.

Ordering billboards associated with the same action

If more billboards are associated wtih the same action, you have the option to specify the order in which the billboards will be displayed during that action. Use the [ Up ] / [ Down ] buttons, the “Up” / “Down” context menu options or press the Page Up / Page Down keys while an element is selected.
