App-V Editor Registry Page

In this page you can edit registry keys and values from the App-V package. You can add keys and values to any of the hives listed in the left pane: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS.

Creating new registry keys

New Key Use the [ New Key ] toolbar button, the “New Key” tree/list context menu item, or press the Insert key while the “Hive” panel is selected. The new key will be added under the selected key in the left pane. It is possible to create multiple subkeys at once using the "\" character in the key's name.


"ProductName" will be the subkey of "Manufacturer" and "Version" will be the subkey of "ProductName".

If the selected key represents a leaf node you can create subkeys by renaming it and using the above method.

Creating new registry values

New Value Use the [ New Value ] toolbar button, the “New Value...” tree/list context menu item or press the Insert key while the “Values” panel is selected. The Registry Value Dialog will pop up, where you can set the value's name, its type and content.

Virtualize Value as Deleted

Virtualize Value as Deleted Use the [ Virtualize Value as Deleted ] toolbar button or the “Virtualize Value as Deleted” list context menu item. To change the removal properties use the App-V Editor Registry Value Removal Dialog.

Adding registry keys

Add Keys Use the [ Add Key ] toolbar button, the “Add Key...” tree/list context menu item or press the * key while the “Values” panel is focused. You will be prompted to choose a registry key from your computer's registry using the Registry Key Picker Dialog. All the selected key's subkeys and values will be added.

Adding registry values

Add Values Use the [ Add Values ] toolbar button, the “Add Values...” tree/list context menu item or press the + key while the “Values” panel is selected. You will be prompted to choose registry values from your computer's registry using the Registry Picker Dialog.

Importing Registry Entries from a Registration File (.reg)

Import REG file Use the [ Import REG file ] toolbar button to import registry entries from a Windows Registration File (.reg).

Exporting Registry Entries to a Registration File (.reg)

Export REG fileSelect a hive, a key or the Target Computer root element(this will select everything) then use the [ Export REG ] toolbar button or the “Export” context menu item to export the registry entries to a Windows Registration File (.reg).

NoteCurrent user/Local machine hive will always be exported as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Setting properties for a registry key or value

Properties Use the [ Properties ] toolbar button, the “Properties...” tree context menu item or press the Enter key while an element in the “Values” panel is selected.

In the Registry Value Dialog you can modify the registry value's name, type and content.

In the App-V Editor Options Tab you can set options specific to App-V for a registry key.

Moving registry keys and values

Select the items to be moved and then drag and drop them to the target location.

Renaming registry keys and values

Use the "Rename" context menu item or press the F2 key while an item is selected.

Removing registry keys or values

Remove Use the [ Delete ] toolbar button, the “Delete” tree/list context menu item, or press the Delete key on a selected element.
