App-V Editor Environment Variables Page

In this page you can add environment variables to the App-V package. These variables are added on the target machine during the deployment process.

Creating new environment variables

New Environment Variable Use the [ New Variable... ] toolbar button, the “New Variable...” context menu item or press the Insert key while the list is focused. The App-V Edit Environment Variable Dialog will be shown allowing you to set the variable.

Editing an environment variable

Properties Use the [ Properties... ] toolbar button, the “Properties...” context menu item or press the Enter key to show the App-V Edit Environment Variable Dialog, where you can edit the variable.

Removing environment variables

Remove Use the [ Delete ] toolbar button, the “Delete” context menu item or press the Delete key while an element is selected.

Virtualizing environment variables as deleted

Virtualize Variable Deleted Use the [ Virtualize Variable Deleted ] toolbar button or the “New Virtualize Variable Deleted...” context menu item to show the App-V Edit Environment Variable Dialog.
