Append TXT File Update Command

Append a TXT file update.

Command Syntax

/AppendTxtFileUpdateReplace  -dir <folder_path>
              -name <txt_update_name>
              -find <find_pattern>
              [-replace <replace_pattern>]


  • -dir <folder_path>
  • The folder in which the shortcut file is created.
  • -name <txt_update_name>
  • The name of the TXT update file.
  • -find <find_pattern>
  • Set the find pattern. For more information read about the find parameter.
  • [-replace <replace_pattern>]
  • Set the replace pattern. For more information read about the replace parameter.

NoteIf you don't set the replace parameter, it is set to an empty string.

Example: /edit "D:\ai projects\Your Application.aip" 
    /AppendTxtFileUpdateReplace -dir APPDIR -name TxtUpdate -find "pattern" -replace "[MY_PROP]" /edit "D:\ai projects\Your Application.aip" 
    /AppendTxtFileUpdateReplace -dir APPDIR -name TxtUpdate -find "[PATTERN_PROP]" -replace "[MY_PROP]"