Add File Search Command Option
Command Syntax
/AddFileSearch <property_name> -signature <search_signature> -filename <file_name> [-languages <languages>] [-minversion <version_string>] [-maxversion <version_string>] [-minsize <file_size>] [-maxsize <file_size>] [-mindate <date_string>] [-maxdate <date_string>]
Creates a new file search.
- <property_name>
- The name of the property which contains the search result.
- -signature <search_signature>
- The signature of the search operation. It is used to identify this search.
- -filename <file_name>
- The name of the searched file.
- [-languages <languages>]
- The possible languages of the file.
- [-minversion <version_string>]
- The minimum version of the searched file in order for the result to qualify as successful. If a file with a lower version then this value is found the search will not be considered successful.
- [-maxversion <version_string>]
- The maximum version of the searched file. If a file with a higher version then this value is found the search will not be considered successful.
- [-minsize <file_size>]
- The minimum size of the file in order for the search operation to be considered a success.
- [-maxsize <file_size>]
- The maximum size of the file in order for the search operation to be considered a success.
- [-mindate <date_string>]
- The minimum creation date of the file. The date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
- [-maxdate <date_string>]
- The maximum creation date of the file. The date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
In order to specify the location where the file should be looked
up use the /AddDrLocator command to add a new folder search with the same
property and signature as the file search.
Example: /edit MyProject.aip /AddFileSearch FILE_SEARCH_RESULT -signature file_search -filename File.exe /edit MyProject.aip /AddDrLocator FILE_SEARCH_RESULT -signature file_search -path ProgramFilesFolder -depth 2